Temporary maintenance for mainnet migration and token swap

1 min readNov 18, 2021


The Mainnet of IBP will be transferred from Ethereum to Klaytn and, IBP Tokens (ERC-20) will be swapped with new IBP tokens (KCT, Klaytn Compatible Token).

The detailed schedule of the mainnet migration and token swap is as follows.

  1. Suspension of IBP token transaction:

Coinone : November 18th 04:00, UTC (https://coinone.co.kr/info/notice/1551)
Bithumb : November 22th 05:00, UTC (https://cafe.bithumb.com/view/board-contents/1642414)

Bitglobal : Novemver 12th 06:00, UTC (https://support.bithumb.pro/hc/en-us/articles/4407753883033-Announcement-on-Supporting-IBP-Upgrade)

Please refer to the notices of each exchange for the Deposit of IBP token into wallet in an exchange (Bithumb, Coinone and Bitglobal).

2. Mainnet Migration and Stabilization: To be advise

3. IBP Token Swap Completed: To be advise

※ The schedule may vary depending on progress.

※ For detailed schedule and other related matters, please refer to the notices of each exchange.


● IBP Webpage : https://ibp.world
● IBP Blog(KR): https://blog.naver.com/ibpworld
● IBP Twitter : https://twitter.com/ibpworld
● IBP Kakaotalk(KR): https://open.kakao.com/o/gYVmqlcc
● IBP Telegram(EN, ing..) : https://t.me/ibp_refresh
● IBP Coinmarketcap :
● IBP Coingecko :

