Instructions for creating a hardwallet and transferring IBP tokens

2 min readMar 29, 2023


Hi, this is IBP.

Here’s how to transfer IBP tokens to an external Hardwallet outside of the exchange.

1.Kaikas : Web

After creating a Kaikas (Klaytn) wallet, add the IBP contract address to “Token list ㅡ Add token ㅡ Custom token” to add IBP tokens, and then transfer them from an exchange or other private wallet to the Kaikas wallet address.

** IBP Contract Address : 0x43de991a0d9b666a215f3eb5801accd260092c2c

** Please make sure to check the anomaly with a test transfer.

2. Klip : Mobile

Check the ‘Receive a deposit address’ on the mobile Klip App and send IBP token.

** After the transfer is complete, it will be created in ‘My Tokens’.

* Be sure to check the status with a test transfer.

