IBP NFT Prapaid Card, Coming soon..

2 min readMay 3, 2022


IBP, a blockchain technology-based “Cryptocurrency rechargeable card payment service” platform, announced that the development of the world’s first NFT prepaid card has entered the completion stage and will be released in the market soon.

IBP has completed the launch of the “Cryptocurrency payment platform” service based on the technology and experience of its parent company, which has continued its business for the past 10 years, based on rechargeable cards, and has increased user convenience by reducing users’ losses and volatility.

IBP announced through its 2022 Roadmap (Xangle.io disclosure) that it will move from Ethereum to Kakao’s Clayton Mainnet in the first quarter to strengthen accessibility of many domestic and foreign users by actively utilizing clay ecosystems such as clay swaps, and in the second quarter, it will develop an NFT prepaid platform. IBP has faithfully implemented these disclosure contents over the first and second quarters, and is gradually completing its promise to the market by completing the development of NFT prepaid cards.

NFT prepaid cards, which are about to be developed and released in the market, will allow domestic game companies to provide a payment platform that allows more stable blockchain-based and easy exchange transactions with virtual assets.

IBP has already collaborated with large domestic and foreign resort companies to exchange and pay virtual assets and commercialize platforms including installation of payment equipment. NFT prepaid cards provide a foundation for securing additional overseas merchants, stabilizing virtual asset exchange and payment services, and deeply participating in P2E game production.

This is based on the “Transpay (HMT System)” for convenience of remittance and exchange of virtual assets launched in June, and while it is currently being used in various fields, it is expanding the ecosystem of IBP tokens by introducing the system to overseas trade transactions in the future.

Original Source : http://www.it-b.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=59256

● IBP Webpage : https://ibp.world
● IBP Blog(KR): https://blog.naver.com/ibpworld
● IBP Twitter : https://twitter.com/ibpworld
● IBP Kakaotalk(KR): https://open.kakao.com/o/gYVmqlcc
● IBP Telegram(EN, ing..) : https://t.me/ibp_refresh
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